Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2025

200h Yoga Teacher Training

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” – Ramana Maharshi

About Course
After a very successful first edition in 2023-24, Agora Lisboa is happy to announce the next edition of the Teacher Training Course (TTC).

This training is a collaborative program bringing together, under the leadership of Sonia Ama, a group of experienced teachers and professionals of different fields, to provide a high quality, in-depth training over the course of several months and over 200 hours of training.

The TTC’s main focus is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and includes the study of Yoga as both a physical, energetic, mental and ethical practice and discipline. We approach Yoga as a life – supporting tool with the potential to transform and develop our lives, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Collaborations with other teachers include the Hands-on assists, Anatomy, Art of Touch, Meditation and Buddhist philosophy.

Areas Of Focus
  • Ashtanga Primary Series Asanas in depth practice and study

    Alignment, Asanas lab, Hands-on adjustments, with a strong focus on the breath and flow of Prana. Mysore-style & guided practices.

  • Physical and Physiological Anatomy

    Body Systems and Organs, Functional Anatomy, Palpatory Anatomy, Anatomy of the Breath.

  • Energetical Anatomy

    The Subtle Body, Koshas, Prāna, Chakras System.

  • Teaching Yoga

    Guiding and Ashtanga Yoga class, Sequencing Vinyasa Yoga classes. Create classes tailored-made for the practitioners; learn yoga vocabulary and the use of verbal cues; Pedagogy and Methodology skills; Hands-on Adjustments; Finding your own voice as a teacher.

  • Ethics

    Teaching and Yoga Ethical inquiring.

  • Yoga Philosophy

    Introduction to the main texts supporting Yoga and Sāmkhya philosophy (8-limbs Yoga path of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad-Gita, Hatha-Yoga Pradīpikā). Introduction to other Indian traditions (i.e. Tantric philosophy).

  • Pranayama and introductory Kriyas
  • Meditation practice and introduction to Buddhist teachings

    (Dharma) to support our daily life and our teaching path.

  • Healing Arts

    Art of Touch.

  • Ayurveda

    The Reading of the Body/Mind as a basis for our one-to-one or Mysore-style teaching. Notion of Balance, Dohas and Gunas.

  • Yin/Restorative Yoga

    Introduction to a practice aimed at restoring our energy, practice in pregnancy.

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For Who?

For any Yoga practitioner wanting to go deeper into the study of Yoga and its different dimensions. A previous experience of Yoga of minimum 2 years of consistent practice is required, as well as previous experience with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. If you are not new to Yoga but quite new to Ashtanga, we recommend that you participate in the Mysore program at Agora before and during the course.

For Yoga teachers who wish to further their practice and study of Yoga; refine their teaching skills; refresh and deepen their anatomy understanding; improve their assist and hands-on adjustments skills; develop their knowledge in Yoga philosophy, Ayurveda and get introduced to the Buddhist teachings that can support their personal development as individuals and as teachers.

Our Format
Between January and May 2025: two long intensives, 3 weekends, and additional practices and workshops to be completed at Agora until December 2025



  • Friday 10 (15h) - Thursday 16 (17h30)

3 FULL WEEKENDS (20h each)

  • February Friday 7 to Sunday 9
  • March Friday 7 to Sunday 9
  • April Friday 4 to Sunday 6

(Friday 15h30-19h30. Saturday and Sunday 8h-17h30).


  • Friday April 25 (15h) - Sunday May 4 (17h30)
  • April 29 DAY OFF

(Note: April 25 and May 1st are national holidays in Portugal).

Included in the value of the training and to be completed on top of the above between Sept 2024 and December 2025:

  • 15 hours of Meditation practice.

The hours can include:

  • Long courses (2-hour weekly sessions, courses length vary from 4 to 8 weeks, online option).
  • Weekly meditation classes offered at Agora.
  • Option to join one of the meditation retreats offered during the year, accounting for the full 15 hours required (teaching fees included in the training cost, only food and accommodation fees at the charge of the participant).
  • 15 hours of Study to be completed by following workshops or intensives at Agora.


  • 10-11 August 2024: Weekend Ashtanga workshop with Sonia.
  • 22-24 Nov 2024: Linda Munro's Ashtanga weekend workshop (100eu extra fee required).
  • Ashtanga Level 2 and 3 Courses with Agora teachers (each happening twice a year, option to join online)
  • Early Spring 2025: Weekend Hands-on assist and Sequencing with Sonia (dates to be confirmed).
  • Some extra events/workshops will be added to this list. For those not living in Lisbon, the Level 2 & 3 courses or Ashtanga 2h workshops are the best option as they are available online.


  • 10 hours practice at Agora on-site or online over the course of the training (Mysore-style, Ashtanga Led Primary, Ashtanga Lab Level 2). If you practice in a Ashtanga Yoga Shala in your hometown, you could do the 10 hours there.
  • 15 hours of Assisting (assisting is done with Agora teachers or in your home studio or with your home teacher).
  • Completion of the homework, readings, final test and personal project.

The training is taught in English, but the tests and personal projects can be done in English, Portuguese or French. Maintaining a regular practice throughout the course is required.

If all requirements are met, the trainee will receive a certificate of completion at the end. If a trainee cannot meet all the requirements to complete the training, it is possible to catch up on some missed training hours by joining extra workshops or intensives at Agora.


2550 euros NORMAL PRICE

2400 euros EARLY BIRD PRICE for registration until 15 Sept 2024


  • 200 hours in person training including special guest teachers.
  • Full training manual.
  • Access to resources, follow-up throughout the year.
  • Certificate of completion.

Payment plans are possible: Get in touch with us if the investment required does not meet your financial situation.

Contact Form

    Sonia's Teachers Say...
    What They Say…
    Where We Are

    Our Yoga and Meditation Studio is located in the heart of Lisbon, Rua Rafael de Andrade 23. The closest metro station is Intendente. There are plenty of accomodation options around the studio to plan your stay. We also have a room in the studio for guests, that will be available to rent during the training weekends and intensive. Let us know if you are interested.

    You can find more information about Agora and our philosophy, our team, events, practices on our website:

    You will also find Sonia’s yoga biography, as well as the rest of the studio team’s bio.

    Our Vision
    Our core values define the way we interact during the Course and the approach we have regarding teaching Yoga and integrating Yoga into your life
    • Holistic perspective

      Body, Mind, Spirit are facets of one reality. During the training, we explore different philosophy systems that consider the unity of Body and Mind (Yoga philosophy, Buddhism, Ayurveda), and approach Yoga from the physical, mental, intuitive and emotional perspective.

      We delve into the multiple dimensions of our being through practices, study and self-inquiry, while cultivating an ever present awareness of interconnectedness in life.

    • Yoga as a Meditation in Movement

      Yoga (Union) and Meditation (one-pointedness) are ultimately the same thing. Through Yogic practices (asana, pranayama, meditation, ethics) we follow a path that brings us closer to an internal union, a sense of integration. Cultivating clarity of mind and fluidity of Prana (life energy), it becomes easier to see what is in front of us, moving away from the suffering caused by ignorance or not knowing (avidya).

      Although this training is focused on the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system and includes plenty of Asana study (physical aspect), we also integrate sitting meditation to our practice and look at Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as a Meditation in Movement. Through meditation classes, we explore the parallels between the messages conveyed by Yogic tradition (specifically the Yoga Sutra as well as other texts from Yoga literature) and Buddhist teachings. Meditation techniques associated to Asanas practice can help us deepen our awareness of the “citta vrittis”, or fluctuations of the mind.

    • Mindful approach to the Asana practice

      As you probably know if you are already practicing at Agora, with Sonia or another of our teachers, our approach of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Asana practice is based on the principles of breath, integrity, alignment and a balanced way of practicing, stimulating yet mindful. During the training, we look in details to the entire Primary Series of Ashtanga to learn how to teach it. We take a step-by-step approach to the practice, focusing on building safe postures, where one can go really deep into the experience of the pose without fear of injury. Practitioners who have already started Intermediate series or are ready to start during the course will be able to practice it and receive guidance during the Mysore mornings.

      We put great emphasis on alignment, the understanding of the primary and secondary actions in each pose from an anatomical perspective, while searching for energetic balance, using the breath as a key.

      We teach assisting skills, including hands-on, that are respectful of these principles, emphasizing the right for all practitioners to decide for themselves. There is be plenty. of time to practice these adjustments on each other during the course as well as during the assisting hours.

    • A sense of community

      At Agora, one of our main wishes and focus is to foster a sense of interconnectedness within the people participating in classes, trainings, and activities. We believe that if we can cultivate this connection at the level of a community of practitioners, then we can expand our awareness in the rest of our relationships and produce ripple effects over our social circles, reaching more and more people. This means cultivating a friendly and open state of mind making it easy to meet and build ties with each other.

      We will have a WhatsApp group to share resources throughout the training. Some events or gatherings will be organised during the year to create the opportunity for our practice of Yoga to also flourish off the mat, in between our training sessions. Hopefully together we can create a supportive and motivating environment in which learning is facilitated for all and connection can naturally deepen over time.

    • Self-study (Svadhyaya) & responsibility

      It is important to keep up with our practice! It seems obvious if one wishes to embark on a Yoga training journey, but it is worth mentioning as one of the foundations for any progress and integration of the teachings: practicing consistently. We need to keep a consistent practice, even more when taking part of the training online. Student’s responsibility includes doing the homework, readings, taking notes, coming up with questions the following times, etc.

      It also includes keeping track of the schedule and program, the announcements, knowing what to bring and what to prepare for the training weekends. And of course to take general care for the space that has been set up as a learning environment.

    • Fostering Creativity & Creative Methodology

      Creativity is very important in our lives and a balanced Prana or vital energy allows for this creativity to manifest. During the training, we emphasis on placing the teachers trainees at the center of the learning process and training narrative. Creative methodology tools are used to make your learning fun and efficient.

      Each participant will work on a creative Yoga project over the Training and present it to the group at the end of the course.

    Training Team
    Sonia has dedicated her life to practicing, teaching and studying Yoga for the last 14 years. After teaching at Ashtanga Yoga Paris (studying with Linda Munro & Gerald Disse) she founded Agora in Lisbon in 2019 and developed a Mysore program. Sonia is a student and assisted Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor. She also studies with Chuck Miller, Ron Reid and Marla Meenakshi Joy. She shares the depths of Yoga with deep listening and love.
    Yoga has been part of her life for 11 years. She did a 200h Yoga teacher training at Ashtanga Yoga Paris with Linda Munro and Gerald Disse, then continued training and learning with Sonia since 2019. She teaches Ashtanga , Vinyasa, and Yin Yoga at Agora - Marion is a pillar of the community and member of the management team. She will be assisting Sonia during the training and in charge of the Relations with trainees.
    Luis has been practicing meditation for 21 years. He co-founded Agora with Sonia in 2019. He is a “Mitra” (friend) of the Triratna Buddhist Order, teaches Meditation and Buddhist philosophy and holds regular meditation retreats. Luis will be teaching Meditation techniques and introduction to Buddhist philosophy during the training, and he will be leading the 4-day Meditation retreat that is part of the course.
    Diane has been working as an Osteopath since 2016, after 5 years of training in Paris. Diane is also trained in Craniosacral therapy and has a university diploma in Anatomy. Diane’s office is now based at Agora where she gives her sessions. She is excited to be sharing her knowledge about the body and will be teaching Functional Anatomy and Anatomy of Yoga during the training.
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